
Lingkod ng Dambana Cavinti

KOA Resources





A Server's Prayer

Loving Father, creator of the Universe,

You call your people to worship

To be with you and each other at Mass .

Help me, for you have called me.

Keep me prayerful and alert.

Help me to help others in prayer.

Thank you for the trust that you have placed

in me. Keep me true to that trust.

I make my prayer in Jesus' name,

Who is with us in the Spirit. Amen.


Prayer Before Service

Jesus, may this my service at your

altar be pleasing to you and help me

unto life everlasting. Amen.


Prayer After Service

Thank you, Jesus for your love. May

I continue to live the Holy Mass

today. Amen.


Basic Christian Prayers

The Apostle's Creed

        I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord, Who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified died and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day He rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, the Forgiveness of Sins, the Resurrection of the body, and Life Everlasting. Amen.


The Our Father

        Our Father, Who are in heaven, hallowed be Your name; Your kingdom come; Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

        Give us this daily our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us fro evil. Amen.


The Hail Mary

        Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with You! Blessed are You among women, and blessed is the fruit of You womb, Jesus.

        Holy, Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.


The Glory to the Father

        Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.


Mysteries of the Rosary

Joyful Mystery (Mon. & Sat.)

Sorrowful Mystery (Tues. & Fri.) Glorious Mystery (Wed. & Sun.)
1st: The Annunciation 1st: The Agony in the Garden 1st: The Resurrection
2nd: The Visitation 2nd: The Scourging at the Pillar 2nd: The Ascension
3rd: The Nativity 3rd: The Crowning with thorns 3rd: The Descent of the Holy Spirit
4th: The Presentation 4th: The Carrying of the Cross 4th: The Assumption
5th: The Finding of Jesus in the Temple 5th: The Crucifixion and Death 5th: The Coronation

            Mysteries of Light (Every Thurs.)      

1st: The Baptism of Jesus
2nd: The First Miracle at Cana
3rd: The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
4th: The Transfiguration
5th: The Institution of the Eucharist







Basic Liturgy

Liturgical Colors

White is used for
           -in Masses for Easter and Christmas Seasons
           -on feasts and memorials of Jesus other than the Passion
           - on feast and memorial of Mary, the Angels, Saints who are not martyrs
           - All Saint's Day
           - John the Baptist (June 24)
           - John the Apostle (December 27)
           - Chair of Peter (February 22)
           - Conversion of Paul (January 25)
           - on festive celebrations like marriage and baptism
           - Masses of the Dead
      *it is a sign of Joy
Red is used on
           - Passion Sunday
           - Good Friday
           - Pentecost
           - Mass of the Holy Spirit
           - Birthday, Feast of the Apostles and Evangelist
           - Feasts of Martyrs
      *is a sign of the Blood of Christ, martyrdom and of the Holy Spirit
Green is used on
          - in Ordinary Time on weekdays and Sundays
       *is a sign of growth and hope
Violet is used on
           - in the Seasons of Advent and Lent
           - in Masses for the Dead
        *is a sign of penance
Gold is used
          - as a substitute for other colors, especially on special feasts and significant occasions
Blue is used
          - on important feast of Mary



Parts of the Church Year

a. ADVENT Season: 4 weeks
            1. Birth of Jesus
            2. Holy Family
            3. Epiphany (3 Kings)
            4. Baptism of Jesus
c. LENTEN Season: 6 weeks
            1. Ash Wednesday
            2. Palm Sunday: Beginning of the Holy Week
            3. Holy Thursday
            4. Good Friday
d. EASTER Season
            -50 days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost
            - 33/34 weeks of which there is no particular aspect of the mystery of Christ
               being celebrated


Parts of the Mass

a. INTRODUCTORY RITES           - Preface
       - Entrance Song           - Holy, Holy, Holy or Sanctus
       - Greeting of the Priest           - Eucharistic Prayer
       - Penitential Rite                  > Consecration
       - Gloria                  > Memorial Acclamation
       - Opening Prayer                  > Great Amen
       - First Reading          - Lord's Prayer or Our Father
       - Responsorial Psalm          - Prayer for Peace
       - Second Reading          - Lamb of God
       - Alleluia or Gospel Acclamation          - Communion
       - Gospel          - Prayer after Communion
       - Homily  
       - Profession of Faith d. CONCLUDING RITE
       - General Intercession          - Brief Announcement
           - Blessing
c. LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST          - Dismissal
       - Preparation of gifts  
       - Prayer over the gifts

Things every Knight should know


The Sanctuary - the space at the front of the church within which most of the actions of the Mass takes place. Aspergillum- also called holy water sprinkler.

Main Altar- the large, high table usually located in the middle of the sanctuary where most of the actions of the liturgy of the Eucharist take place.

Thurible- a metal container extended from a chain or chains in which charcoal and incense are burned. It has a lid which can be raised. It is also called a censer.
Altar Cloth- a long white linen cloth draped over the altar ends as a symbol of the upcoming meal and also the cloth wrapped around the body of Jesus when he was buried. Boat- a small metal container which holds the incense to be put into the thurible.
Candles- usually two altar candles are lit to signal the start of the Mass. The pure wax candles symbolize the purity of Christ as the Light of the world. The Vestments - help us distinguish who the various ministers are during the Mass.
Paschal Candle- a very large candle which is placed in the sanctuary. It is a special reminder of the risen Christ among us. It is used during Baptisms and Funerals. Cassock- the long outer garment worn by the priest and servers.
Tabernacle- it is a small box, usually especially decorated, in which the Eucharist is kept when Mass is not being said. It is a place which should be given special reverence. Alb- long, white, dress-like vestment which can be used by all liturgical ministers.
Credence Table- a small table on which is placed the things which are used during the Mass. Cincture- a long cord used to fasten the alb at the waist to hold it in place and adjust it to the proper length.
Lectern- the place from which the readings are done, the Gospel is proclaimed and the homily is given. Stole- a long cloth ornately decorated worn by the priest around his neck, letting it hang down in from. This is worn by the deacon over his right shoulder and fastened at his left side like a sash. Its color varies according to the feast.
Cross- the crucifix mounted on a tall pole which is carried at the head of the procession. Chasuble- the outer vestment, slipped over the head, hanging down from the shoulders. It is the proper Mass vestment of the priest. Its color varies according to the feast.
Bells- usually located near the altar. They are rung during the consecration of the Mass. Dalmatic- a loose fitting robe with open sides and wide sleeves worn by the deacon.
Altar Vessels - they are called "sacred" because they have a distinctive role in our worship. Cope- a cape-like vestment used over the shoulders and hangs to the ankles. It is open in front and clasped at the neck. It is worn by the priest during benediction, processions and other services.
Cruets- two small pitchers which contain the water and wine. Benediction Veil- also known as humeral veil. It is a long, narrow, shawl-like vestment used at benediction and in processions where the the Blessed Sacrament is carried.
Chalice- the large cup used at Mass to hold the wine which will become the Blood of Christ. Surplice- a wide-sleeved garment, slipped over the head, covering the shoulders, and coming down below the hips. It is worn over the cassock for services in which the alb is not necessary.
Paten- the saucer-like dish which usually matches the chalice. It holds the bread which will become the Body of Christ. Other articles used at mass  
Ciborium- the cup-like vessel with a lid that contains the hosts which will be used for communion. It is also used to reserve the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. Pall- the stiff, square, white cover that is placed over the paten when it is on the chalice and over the chalice during the Mass to protect its contents.
Communion Paten or Plate- a plate with a handle which is used by the server to catch communion crumbs. Corporal- a white linen napkin usually starched, on which are placed the vessels containing the bread and wine during the Mass.
Pyx- a pocket watched-shaped case in which Communion used for sick calls is carried. Purificator- a triple-folded rectangular, white cloth used to cleanse the chalice.
Lunette- a thin, circular receptacle, having a glass face which holds the consecrated Host used at Benediction. It slides into the monstrance on a track. Finger Towel- a folded rectangular cloth, resembling a purificator, but much narrower. It is used by the priest to dry his fingers after they have been washed during the preparation of the gifts.
Monstrance- a large ornate vessel used to hold the Blessed Sacrament for Benediction and Eucharistic processions.    

Advance Guide

This stage is directed to those who have finished the two previous stages of the course. It will cover the more difficult jobs that you will have to do. A head server ought to have completed this stage of the course.


  • Be able to maintain a high standard in what you have learned in the two previous stages.

  • Be able to use the thurible.

  • Be able to carry the processional cross.

  • Have some understanding of what to do on big feasts.

  • Show leadership qualities.

  • Anticipate and sort issues before they become problems.

Using the Thurible during Mass

  • The server carrying the thurible leads the procession and, after genuflecting, moves to the altar where incense will first be used. The priest places incense into the thurible and with it reverences the altar and cross. The thurible is then returned to its stand.

  • At the end of the second reading the thurible is brought to the priest, who puts incense into it. The thurible will then be carried in procession to the lectern where it is used to reverence the Book of Gospels or Lectionary.

  • At the preparation of the gifts, the thurible is used to incense the gifts, the altar, priest and people.

  • The server may also offer incense when the priest shows the host and chalice to the people during the consecration. At the end of the eucharistic prayer the thurible is then returned to its stand and is not needed any more. At the end of Mass, the server processes out with the others taking with the collection for safe keeping.

Carrying the Processional Cross

The server carrying the processional cross follows the thurifer to the altar, or leads the procession when there is no thurifer. The cross bearer bows to the altar and sets the processional cross in its place. At the end of the Mass the cross bearer collects the cross and leads the procession out of the church.


Understanding what to do on Big Feasts

The server has to be able to assist at big feasts such as Christmas and Easter. These are often more complex Masses and at this level you must be able to help as much as possible.


Displaying Leadership Qualities

  • At this stage you should be able to lead others who serve.

  • You must be honest and reliable.

  • You will need to make decisions and instruct others on what to do, especially new servers.

  • You must be friendly to the younger servers and involve them in conversation.

  • You must encourage the younger servers to reach their full potential.

  • You should also oversee what happens before and after Mass.

  • You should lead by example so that when the task is completed the servers say they did it themselves.

  • Those who finish this part of the course will be qualified as head servers, where the need arises.

Maintaining a High Standard

You must be able to show that over a period of time you can maintain a good standard in what you have learned in the two previous stages. This way you will set a good example to those who are following you along the course.

Completion of this Stage

When you finish this stage of the course you will have reached a good level and you will be able to take part in the community's liturgy more fully. Always remember the honour that you have been given in being chosen to serve. Strive to develop your skills and improve the quality of your serving. Most importantly, remember the importance of what you do and that you do it not for yourselves or your own gain, but for the people of God, the Body of Christ of which we all are members.

Beginner's Guide

Once we have finished with the theory you will be ready to start this next stage. When you show full understanding and are able to put what is required of you into practice you are ready to move on to the intermediate stage. It may take some time to get to the intermediate stage as you need a good basis on which to build for the future.

Time Keeping
Always arrive in good time, at least 20 minutes before the start of Mass and 30 minutes on special occasions. This will allow plenty of time for the Mass preparation required and will avoid rushing at the last minute.

Make sure you know when it is your turn to serve. If you are unable to serve, it is helpful to let the MC know in advance.

How to Dress
It is important to realise that it is a great privilege to serve the liturgy of the Church and should be reflected in how we dress and behave. Thus it is important that you wear appropriate clothes and footwear for serving at the liturgy. Dress smartly and, if at all possible, wear a pair of smart, dark coloured shoes. No shoes with flashing lights in. No watches that make a noise. No head gear.

Respect the vestments you wear; keep them clean and in good condition. Hang them up properly when you have finished serving. Most importantly you should remember that looking after your vestments and the way you dress are your responsibility.

How to Behave
When in the sacristy or in church, show the greatest of respect for where you are and for those around you. Do not distract others by the way you behave. Never talk on the sanctuary, except when participating in the Mass. Sit and kneel in an appropriate manner. When you are not holding something, join your hands together. Never run or cause people to look at you thus distracting them from their prayers. Remember to pay close attention to the things happening so that you are ready to do what you have to when you have to. Take full part in the Mass including the singing of the hymns.

Before Mass
It is important that you pay close attention to what goes on before Mass begins. Become familiar with what is required for each Mass, where things are to be found and where they need to go.

During Mass
It is important that you have a good attitude to serving and that you realise what you are doing, why you are doing it and for whom. You will be expected to maintain a high standard of serving.

During the beginners stage of your training you will be expected to carry out the following tasks.

  • Be able to carry the candles, and to know when they are used.

  • Be able to assist at the preparation of the gifts.

  • Be able to move around the sanctuary in a dignified manner to the positions that you are supposed to be in without being prompted to do so.

  • Ring the bell at the appropriate times.

  • Carry the boat without spilling the incense.

  • Be able to maintain the high standards already set.

  • You will also be asked to do other tasks like putting out Hymn sheets etc.

It is important that you know what happens at the different parts of the Mass. You should know what the responses are and be able to join in at the appropriate time.

Carrying the Candles During Mass
The carrying of candles is a prominent feature during the Mass. It is important not to spill the wax from the candles as this will damage vestments and carpeted surfaces. Be careful not to burn yourself. Take notice of where the candles are placed and when they are required during the Mass.

  • The candles are carried in procession behind the thurifer and in front of the cross bearer.

  • They are placed in an appropriate place.

  • At the gospel the candles are processed up to and held either side of the lectern.

  • After the gospel the candles are returned to their previous location.

  • At the end of Mass they are collected and carried in procession out of church behind the cross bearer.

Assisting at the Preparation of the gifts

  • The first bit is to lead the procession of gifts into the church.

  • Next assist at the altar by removing any wine not needed and supplying the water jug. When finished with the jug and the flagon of wine place them on the credence table.

  • After this the incense is needed. Take the boat and follow the Thurifer up to the priest.

  • After incensing the altar the priest washes his hands and so you bring forward a bowl containing water and a levabo. He dries his hands on the linen cloth. Return the items to the credence table after use refolding the levabo.

Moving Around the Sanctuary
You should now be able to move around the sanctuary in a dignified manner that does not draw attention to yourself and distract others. Coupled with this you should also be able to move to the correct places for the different parts of the Mass and be able to do this without prompting.

Ringing the Bell
During the Eucharistic Prayer the bell is rung on three separate occasions:

  • The first time is when the priest places his hands outstretched over the chalice invoking the Holy Spirit.

  • The second time is when the priest shows the host to the congregation at the Consecration.

  • The third and final time is when the priest shows the chalice to the congregation at the Consecration.

After Mass

Join the other servers in the Sacristy in a prayer of thanks. Help bring all the items from the sanctuary into the sacristy and put them away neatly. Note where things go. You are not finished till all the things have been cleared from the sanctuary and been put away properly.

Completion of this Stage

This stage will be complete when you can do all of the above well and when you have shown yourself to have the potential to be a good server. Faithful attendance is most important and you must maintain the high standards you have shown.


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